No blog today as we have a burst water pipeline inside the house, sorry.
As I promised I'm now going to start to write my book on my blog some names and places have been changed but everything is true perhaps the tense is misleading but I wrote this book in the 90's and starts off in 1991. "Soldier of Fortune Or Soldier of Love" Chapter 1 Once upon a time, those would be great words to start a fairy tale but this is no fairy tale. This is a factual account of one man's struggle to help others less fortunate than himself, it is a story about myself, an ordinary man, the only thing that separates me from others is that I am an idealist, an idealist that not only talks about things but acts on them. My parents are also idealists,my father Richard believes in raising money for certain causes, my mother Margie believes in helping the aged and helping children in Ethiopia, these are their ideals and they try to live up to them, so why should I not be allowed to live up to them. My name is C.S.Hollaway and up until one year ago I lived in a s...
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