Do we all have a purpose in life or are we just born to go down which ever path life takes us? The reason this is the topic today is that as I look around and at the world and try to annalize it but I can't find an answer. Throughout history people have existed for a purpose good or bad, who determines what their purpose to exist is, some say it's God's will, but what does that mean? Did Hitler for instance exist just for the purpose of starting WW11 and the persecution of the Jews, was Putin born for the sole purpose to exist and maybe start WW111, who actually knows, I for one don't know but it starts me thinking about what was I born for, what is my purpose in life, why am I still existing, is there a purpose? Is there anybody out there that thinks the same way as me because it really makes my head hurt thinking about it, after all that I've done wrong in my life was it my purpose to come to Croatia and risk everything just for an ideal or is that what I exist for just to grow old gracefully or is there something else left to do? Is there an hidden adjenda before I meet my maker, I think maybe there is, what, I'm not sure yet but I will find out eventually, I know that I wasn't supposed to sit on my backside while others told me what to do, just household chores, maybe I'm getting older but I'm not by any means senile, the only trouble is I've lost authority which I always had,I know one thing and that is that I won't leave this earth until I find out what my true purpose is. To get back to the point if there is one, is the purpose of russian teenagers to be sent to the front line and exist before they die young because of another person who's purpose is to send them to an early grave before their time to exist is over, that not only applies to russians but to ukranians as well, is it their purpose to die. Your brought into this world by loving parents who don't know what your purpose in life will be but you are born and therefore exist for what purpose as a baby you will grow up and find out, good or bad, perhaps your existence on this world is already decided, now you just have to fulfill that purpose. Maybe this topic was a bit philosophical and dark but that's the way I feel at this time in my life. If you enjoyed todays blog then like, follow and share. Thank you.
As I promised I'm now going to start to write my book on my blog some names and places have been changed but everything is true perhaps the tense is misleading but I wrote this book in the 90's and starts off in 1991. "Soldier of Fortune Or Soldier of Love" Chapter 1 Once upon a time, those would be great words to start a fairy tale but this is no fairy tale. This is a factual account of one man's struggle to help others less fortunate than himself, it is a story about myself, an ordinary man, the only thing that separates me from others is that I am an idealist, an idealist that not only talks about things but acts on them. My parents are also idealists,my father Richard believes in raising money for certain causes, my mother Margie believes in helping the aged and helping children in Ethiopia, these are their ideals and they try to live up to them, so why should I not be allowed to live up to them. My name is C.S.Hollaway and up until one year ago I lived in a s...
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