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The other foot

I bet that the president of Ukraine is now extatic when the shoe is on the other foot and the idiot in the Kremlin is getting a right good kicking. It's been so long since the people of Ukraine had something to be happy about and not feel miserable every day. They may be still losing their homeland little by little every day but I now think that perhaps the tide is turning. The incursion into the russian motherland which is the first time since WW11 is an early Christmas present after all the suffering that they have endured physically, mentally and the bodies of their loved ones coming home from the front in boxes. Now it's the turn of the russian people to be upset and experience what the ordinary people of Ukraine have for so long. The Ukrainians have gone on the rampage and are taking russian soil not inch by inch but mile by mile, now there's a sense of jubilation among the people of Ukraine and the mood of the ordinary people of Russia has turned against the puppet master in the madhouse and you can see by his face he isn't a happy bear. The Russian people deserve to feel the pain that was started years ago by their so-called dictator when he and all the force of the Russian army laid seige on Ukraine, illegally I may add but the madman didn't care he wanted Ukraine and was determined to get it no matter how many lives it took to do so well Mr.Putin now the shoe is on the other foot so how do you feel, still willing to advance or do you now have to try and reclaim what you have lost and keep losing. Personally I hope that the Ukrainians have the will and the manpower to continue the good fight even if in the end if there is an end they will have something to bargain with if peace talks actually start, I hope that they continue the push and as long as they are resupplied they can and will do so. Good on you Ukraine, keep up the good fight and perhaps the people of Russia will turn against the Kremlin and say enough is enough, stop this injust war and let everyone return home to their loved ones. Well that's all from me today apart from the fact that it's again 25 and set to rise to 39 degrees as it was yesterday, no cars or lorries on the road and even the birds weren't singing. If you enjoyed todays blog then like, follow and share. Thank you and may God be on the side of the Ukrainians. 


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