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To hot to handle, great song but that's not what this blog is about, the temperature here now is 25 and set again to rise to 39 degrees, that's what I mean by too hot to handle. How can you sleep when it's 25 degrees, I have great difficulty, try tablets, no effect, just tossing and turning all night, if you do manage to start to drop off enemy number 1 mosquitos start buzzing around your head so you wake up again. Eventually you do manage to go to sleep but then wake up early because it's too hot and your either thirsty or have to use the loo, you don't feel like eating and especially cooking as it makes the kitchen hotter, water which I drink a lot of is always in the fridge to keep it cold. When the temperature reaches it's max mid-afternoon and you have to use the car to go somewhere the door is so hot it's hard to get into the car and when you do it's like a sauna and have too wait until the air conditian kicks in so you can touch the steering wheel, absolutely terrible. During the afternoon there's nobody outside and hardly any cars on the road it's just too hot. The weather in the UK is what they call a heatwave but their temperature is the same as ours during the night so how can that be a heatwave? It's not only here in Croatia but also in Italy and Greece, great for the tourist industry if the tourists can handle the heat but the not so good for the people who have to cater for their needs. How can people work outdoors in this tempature, it must be hell but they have to do it to put food on the table for their families, I feel sorry for them working under the scorching sun. There is only one reason for these extreme tempatures and that's global warming no other explanation except aliens who are making it this hot so that they can collanise Earth, hmm. Well that's all for today as as usual I have to make coffee for my wife before work, just hope that it gets a little cooler sooner than later. If you enjoyed todays blog and and are feeling cool then like, follow and share. Thank you. 


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