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Well at long last it seems that there may be a break in our heatwave, last night after the temperature hitting a huge 40 degrees it started to thunder and lightning but did the heavens open for rain to fall, no only a few spots, I could probably drink more water than fell from the sky, at least it's a little cooler 19 and set to rise to a reasonable 35 degrees which is a bit more bearable. It's Sunday the end of the weekend and again it seems that my wife and I will be on our own, my youngest daughter and her fiance are going here and there to visit his family and I'm not sure if my eldest daughter will be here so it's going to be a weird Sunday but peaceful. It's going well for Ukraine from looking at all the media as Ukraine is still taking over more of russia and blowing up bridges so the idiot can't resupply his troops and he is also bombing his own country with missiles, what a shame the ordinary people who so called voted for the puppet master are having t...

It's here

It's here, what's here well the weekend of course, when most of the family are home. The tempatures stil high, at the moment 25 and set to rise again to 39 degrees and with a full house it'll be absolutely boiling inside and now because it's so hot outside I've got nowhere to go, what a shame. Every time the whole family is here I complain but don't get me wrong I'm happy their all here apart from my son who's still in Germany working and we won't see him for a couple of weeks, work is work, at least it's not as hot there. The burst water pipe has been replaced and the hole filled in, just the concrete topping and it will be done. My wife and eldest daughter will be working as usual so at least the house won't be as crowded until they come home, it's just a case of shutting all the shutters, windows and doors then turn the ventilator on and hope it will stay a little bit cooler, fat chance. It's funny that you pay every month your pre...

The other foot

I bet that the president of Ukraine is now extatic when the shoe is on the other foot and the idiot in the Kremlin is getting a right good kicking. It's been so long since the people of Ukraine had something to be happy about and not feel miserable every day. They may be still losing their homeland little by little every day but I now think that perhaps the tide is turning. The incursion into the russian motherland which is the first time since WW11 is an early Christmas present after all the suffering that they have endured physically, mentally and the bodies of their loved ones coming home from the front in boxes. Now it's the turn of the russian people to be upset and experience what the ordinary people of Ukraine have for so long. The Ukrainians have gone on the rampage and are taking russian soil not inch by inch but mile by mile, now there's a sense of jubilation among the people of Ukraine and the mood of the ordinary people of Russia has turned against the puppet ma...


To hot to handle, great song but that's not what this blog is about, the temperature here now is 25 and set again to rise to 39 degrees, that's what I mean by too hot to handle. How can you sleep when it's 25 degrees, I have great difficulty, try tablets, no effect, just tossing and turning all night, if you do manage to start to drop off enemy number 1 mosquitos start buzzing around your head so you wake up again. Eventually you do manage to go to sleep but then wake up early because it's too hot and your either thirsty or have to use the loo, you don't feel like eating and especially cooking as it makes the kitchen hotter, water which I drink a lot of is always in the fridge to keep it cold. When the temperature reaches it's max mid-afternoon and you have to use the car to go somewhere the door is so hot it's hard to get into the car and when you do it's like a sauna and have too wait until the air conditian kicks in so you can touch the steering wheel...


What annoys you most, well for me it's a couple of things, there's our arch enemy number 1 and that's mosquitos, no matter how much bug spray they spray from a plane they still keep coming back as if they have reinforcements waiting for the first wave of attack to fail and after producing the next generation they attack knowing there will be others to follow if and when their attack fails, I apsolutly hate mosquitos that's enough about them as I have one flying around my head with that annoying buzzing. Then you've got number 2 on my list flys, those little black monstrosities slightly bigger than mosquitos but just as annoying. Have you ever been sitting down for dinner and there seems to be no flys in the house, ok it's time to eat, so as you sit down to eat what shows up out of nowhere, flys, you've got a choice get up from the table and chase it around with a fly swatter or ignore it and eat. It's too annoying so you have to get rid of it but it seem...